Ugborimili MfB and its employees (we) are committed to maintain highest confidentiality. Consequently, we understand and respect the fact that all information acquired in relation to our clients and their transactions must be handled with strictest confidence and privacy.

We hereby undertake that any information obtained in respect of a client shall be subject to the highest standards of privacy, security and confidentiality and such information will not be disclosed to any person other than as required by any statute/law for the time being in force in the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

We shall collect, retain, and use your non public personal information only for specific business purposes such as maintaining your accounts and records, providing you with opportunities for new products and services, complying with laws and regulations and meeting your financial needs.

We may however provide information about our Clients for the purpose of verification and risk management, we will disclose only the minimum information required for that purpose and will ensure that such information is only provided to reputable reference services. We do not provide third party information and as such are in no position to disclose your information to third parties in any manner.